Fav Organizing Products – Laundry Room

March 8, 2021

My favorite products to simplify and streamline this inevitable household chore

1. Stackable baskets: stash essentials, create a temporary home for single socks, and more. I love these Nordic baskets from The Container Store because they are made from 100% post consumer recycled plastic! (Bamboo or plastic lid sold separately) ⠀

2. Pottery Barn folding hanging rack: a great space saver for this laundry room staple.

3. Laundry detergent is easier to access in a jar – and might I add way prettier? Perfect for laundry powder, pods, or strips. I prefer acrylic over glass in any space where water is involved, to avoid slippery accidents.

4. Upgrade your laundry basket to match your home decor. Expand your search and look in the home section of stores like CB2, Pottery Barn and Anthropologie – think beyond the traditional “laundry hamper”!

5. Confused at all those symbols? Yeah, me too. How perfect is this magnetic (read: stick it to your machine!) laundry de-coder?

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